Spring Break Travel Essentials


Spring break is upon us and not just for college students! Everyone could use a little rest and relaxation when the springtime rolls around. For many, thoughts of spring break bring to mind warm tropical places like Miami, Cancun, or the Bahamas, but for others it may mean escaping into the mountains for one last ski trip of the season. If you know someone who is going on spring break soon or if you’re packing for a spring trip yourself, here are a few staple items that should be in your bag. Nothing is worse than getting to your destination and realizing you forgot something like your toothbrush or a phone charger!

Here’s a list of 9 Travel Essentials to get you started:

1. Toothbrush & Toothpaste- You might be able to get by without a certain t-shirt or just the right bracelet, but you’re not going to make it more than a day or two without being able to brush your teeth.

2. Toiletries- i.e. shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc. If you’re going to be staying at a hotel you might not have to think about this, but for those spending Spring Break at an Airbnb it could be important if forgotten.

3. Deodorant, Of Course!  Traveling on its own is stressful enough without thinking about all the potential hiccups along the way. The last thing you want is to be stressed AND sweaty. My favorite scents are the Morton Essentials Pink Grapefruit and Lavender Fields Smell Good Sticks- give them a try! They keep me feeling and smelling fresh all day long!

4. Travel Documents- Don’t forget to pack for the journey, not just the destination. That means checking to make sure you have anything you might need like a license, passport, boarding pass and more!

5. Things to do on the Ride- Whether you are traveling by train, plane, car, or bus make sure that you have something to keep you occupied while you travel to your destination.  This is a great time to start a new book or even spend some time journaling! My favorite go-to travel activity is a sudoku book!

6. Gear & Equipment- If you are traveling somewhere warm you’ll likely want to pack some sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat. However, if the mountains are your destination, the ‘gear’ might include skis, a helmet, and snow goggles. Either way, a good tip is to envision yourself getting ready every morning of your get-a-way. Think about what you might grab on the way out of the house and you’ll likely remember things you wouldn’t have otherwise.

7. Comfortable Shoes- This could mean your favorite flip flops or a pair of memory foam sneakers- whatever is going to keep you happy and comfortable all throughout your trip.  If you’re going to be doing a lot of walking be sure to put comfort before fashion.

8. A Fanny Pack or Small Travel Bag- This may seem like a no-brainer, but while you are out adventuring on day-trips it will come in handy to have a smaller bag that you can pack with just the essentials.

9. A Sense of Adventure and an Open Mind- The whole point of a vacation is to relax and recharge yourself from your normal day-to-day routine. The best advice I can give is to not put too much pressure on yourself to stick to a schedule. Go wherever the day takes you and plan in some down time so that you have the freedom to do things that might pop up last minute. Sometimes the best adventures are from random things that arise in the moment!

Have any other items that you think should be on the list? Feel free to leave a comment and let us know about your go-to items when planning for a trip!


Written by: Jessica Rogers

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